Nightclubs & Comedy Clubs
We offer the things you need most when booking comedians for a comedy show at a nightclub– excellent stand-up comedians, competitive prices, and a large number of venues that do comedy nights which helps us route comedians on a circuit – this brings in better talent and the lowest prices.
Plus we exclusively book certain celebrity comedian shows! Which help set your comedy nights apart.
Comedy shows are a great way to add revenue to your bar or nightclub. Comedians bring in customers plain and simple and people expect to pay a ticket price to see a comedian (unlike bands, DJ’s, or karaoke).
You make money on a comedy show before the first drink has been served!
Contact us today to discuss booking a comedy show in your bar or opening a full time comedy club. We know how to make comedy nights in your bar work!
Our comedy shows feature 2-3 comedians and can be done any night of the week you choose.
We have 1,000’s of comedians and 100’s of nightclub owner references!
Helpful links: Celebrity Comedian Page and Comedian Rating Guide Page
For even more comedy needs, check out our agency partner at The Comedian Company.